Singing Guide: The Waitresses

Singing Guide: The Waitresses

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

The Waitresses were an American new wave band formed in 1978. They were known for their catchy, up-tempo, and witty songs. If you want to learn how to sing like The Waitresses, there are a few techniques that you should focus on. Their lead singer, Patty Donahue, had a distinctive voice and singing style that helped to make The Waitresses stand out from other bands.

One of the key elements to learn how to sing like Patty Donahue is to focus on your pitch accuracy and vocal control. Singing along to The Waitresses' songs can help you develop your ear for pitch and accuracy. You can also take the Singing Carrots pitch accuracy test to track your progress or explore more on Vocal Pitch Monitor.

Another important aspect of singing like Patty Donahue is to pay attention to your breathing and breath support. Breath support is critical in providing the power and intensity that Patty Donahue was known for in her performances. The Singing Carrots breathing basics and breath support articles are a great place to start if you need to improve your breath control.

One unique vocal technique that Patty Donahue employed was the use of preciseness and clarity in articulation, which created a distinct style. To learn to sing like her, it is essential to have clear and precise articulation. The Singing Carrots articulation article and Finger Bite exercise can help you in achieving that.

Patty Donahue was also known for her use of mixed voice and chest voice. Understanding Voice Registers & Vocal Break can help you in achieving the same effect in your singing techniques.

Some of the notable songs that showcase Patty Donahue's distinct voice and singing style include "I Know What Boys Like," "Christmas Wrapping," and "No Guilt." These are just a few examples, of course, but they can help you refine your singing style to closely emulate her style. You can search for more songs using Singing Carrots Song search tools.

Finally, remember that each singer has their own unique voice, so it's essential always to find your voice and develop your unique style. The Singing Carrots educational singing course is providing you with the proper techniques to learn and improve your voice health, vocal range, and vibrato. Ring the bells and strum the guitar, and get started with Singing Carrots today.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.